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The application uses an .env dotfile to store your application settings. With a refresh download/checkout of the generatedata source, this file doesn't exist by default. Make a copy of the .env.default file and name it .env. You're going to make your changes to that file.

This page outlines every available setting. Defaults are provided for some settings but not all - the ones you MUST provide a value for have been flagged with "must set" in the comments, but this is the full list if you want to skip the details:


Also note that with the default settings the application will run at http://localhost:9000. If you want to change that, check out the Web Server settings below.

Database settings

The first time you install the script it will use these values to set up the database. So if you start the application then change these later on, they won't work.

SettingDefault valueDesc
GD_MYSQL_ROOT_USERrootThe main root user for the MySQL database. Defaults to root but you can enter any value you like.
GD_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORDโ€”Must set. The password for the MySQL database user. I'd suggest sticking to alphanumeric characters just in case MySQL doesn't like certain chars.
GD_DB_NAMEgeneratedataThe name of the database. You can change this to whatever you want.
GD_DB_PORT3306The port of the database so it can be accessed within the Docker setup. Again, this is customizable.

API server

SettingDefault valueDesc
GD_API_SERVER_PORT3001This is the server port for the server API for graphQL. You shouldn't need to change this - it should only be used internally within the Docker configuration.

Web server settings

These settings control how you access the application in your web browser.

SettingDefault valueDesc
GD_WEB_DOMAINlocalhostlocalhost is the typical way to access local servers, but you can enter whatever you want. If you DO change this you'll need to update your hosts file to link your custom domain to your local IP. For that you'll need to google it, sorry!
GD_WEB_SERVER_PORT9000The port that it runs on.
GD_WEB_USE_HTTPSfalseWhether or not to use https. This can be activated (true) but you'll need handle setting up the security certs yourself.

Admin account

The application has a single administrator account. This account details are initially defined here in your .env file settings here so that it creates the user along with the database when it's first booted up. After the application is running in your browser and you're able to log in, I'd suggest removing these values from your .env file. Special note: use a temporary password here! Under no circumstances do you want to be storing a real password in a file on your computer.

SettingDefault valueDesc
GD_DEFAULT_ADMIN_FIRST_NAMEYourMust set. The administrator's first name.
GD_DEFAULT_ADMIN_LAST_NAMENameMust set. The administrator's last name.
GD_DEFAULT_ADMIN_EMAIL_SENDER_NAMEadmin123Must set. The "sender" name in any emails sent out by the system. Note however, to use emails you'll need to configure the email auth settings below (kind of a pain, sorry)
GD_DEFAULT_ADMIN_EMAILadmin@generatedata.comMust set. The administrator's email address.
GD_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORDadmin123Must set. Just use a temporary value here!


Setting all this auth-related stuff up is a pain. I do miss the old days of "WAMP/LAMP/WAMP" where it would provide a preconfigured system with everything you needed, sigh... ain't "progress" great.


JWT stands for Javascript Web Tokens. It's used by the application to create a secure way to interact with the server and keep track of authentication and who's logged in.

SettingDefault valueDesc
GD_JWT_SECRET(random string)must set. Just enter a random string value here - maybe 30 or 40 chars or so.
GD_JWT_LIFESPAN_MINS15How long the auth is valid on the front end before it requests a refresh token to keep the session alive.

Sign in with Google

If these values are set, the interface will show a "Sign in with Google" option in the login panel, allowing users to authenticate with Google and sign in with their Google email address, assuming there's an account already created in the system with that email address.

In order to get these values, you'll need to set up an account with Google for your locally installed application. See their documentation for more information on that.

SettingDefault valueDesc
GD_GOOGLE_AUTH_CLIENT_ID-must set. Just enter a random string value here - maybe 30 or 40 chars or so.


If you want the option to send emails, you'll need to define these settings below. This is quite flexible and will work with any OAUTH email service. For the main website, we use Google, but you can use whatever you have available.

SettingDefault valueDesc
GD_EMAIL_OAUTH_SERVICE_CLIENT_ID-Provided by your email Auth service.
GD_EMAIL_OAUTH_PRIVATE_KEY-Provided by your email Auth service.

Application settings

This section contains the main settings for your application. Give each one a read through - the first GD_APP_TYPE setting is particularly important.

SettingDefault valueDesc
GD_APP_TYPEloginThis setting controls the overall type of the installation. The options are:
login - allows anonymous access but without logging in they can't save their data sets or generate more than GD_MAX_DEMO_MODE_ROWS at a time. Only the admin account can create new accounts.
single - there's only ever a single account and that user is logged in by default
open - anyone that has access to the URL can use the application anonymously or create an account
closed - no-one can access it without logging in first.
GD_GENERATOR_PATH/This allows easy extension for the prod site. On the prod site, the homepage is a splash info page to the tool. For other distributions, that isn't necessary and we want the generator itself to be the homepage.
GD_DEFAULT_LOCALEenThe default locale.
GD_DEFAULT_EXPORT_TYPEJSONThe default Export Type to show in the preview panel.
All the available locales that show up in the UI. You have to enter 1 value at least. If you only enter 1, the icon to switch locales won't appear.
GD_DEFAULT_NUM_ROWS100The default value for the number of rows to generate.
GD_MAX_DEMO_MODE_ROWS1000For login appType, this controls how many rows can be generated by anonymous (non-logged in) users.
GD_MAX_DATASET_HISTORY_SIZE200Any time a user saves a dataset, that change is stored in the database to allow the user to backtrack and see earlier versions of the dataset. This governs the max number of history items.
GD_DATA_TYPE_BLACKLIST_PhoneRegional, OrganizationNumber, PersonalNumber, SIRETThis omits specific Data Types from the application. Comma-delimited (no spaces!). It omits them from appearing in the UI, but it also prevents them from being built as well. So incomplete Data Types won't throw an error and cause the build to fail. I wouldn't touch this value.
GD_EXPORT_TYPE_BLACKLISTโ€”Omits specific Export Types from the application; comma-delimited (no spaces!).
GD_COUNTRY_BLACKLISTโ€”Omits specific Country plugins from appearing in the application; comma-delimited (no spaces!)
GD_IMPORT_FILESโ€”Used for extension purposes. See the developer doc.
GD_REST_API_ENABLEDfalseUnavailable just now. This enables/disables the REST API to allow users to generate data via a REST interface.