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Run the app

Okay, now you've set up your .env configuration file, as described in the settings page, let's start the app.

Run yarn startApp on the command line.


This can take a very long time! This command is doing a whole slew of things: it's download images for node, maria DB and nginx; it's building the frontend JS code according to whatever settings you entered in your .env file, it's creating the localization files and creating the database for the first time.

So just wait. And wait. And wait. It generally takes about 10 minutes on my machine but it can take a lot longer.

At this point, the application has started. Load up http://localhost:[PORT] in your web browser. The [PORT] part will be whatever value you entered for the GD_WEB_SERVER_PORT setting in your .env file. By default it'll be 9000.

Shutting down

In case anything goes wrong or you just want to free up space, just cancel the running process in your command line (CTRL-C generally does it), then run: yarn cleanApp.


This command does NOT wipe out your database. So if you'd been using the application and saved some data sets / created users, running the yarn cleanApp command won't clear that out. This is just a command to shut down Docker, delete downloaded images and generally free up memory.

Starting afresh

As noted in the Settings page, some of the settings are only used once when the application is first created. So if you've found you've misconfigured something and want to set it all up again, do the following:

  1. Shut down the application as described in the section above.
  2. Delete the contents of the ./data/db folder, leaving only the nodelete.txt file. That folder is created when it's first installed and houses the database.
  3. Make whatever edits to your .env file.
  4. Run yarn startApp again.